Life in Twindom

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The stone continued

Ok, to recap. Stone up nose, kind of funny, doctor lady in c4th no help.

We make it through the night with no incidents and we have an appointment with the nose specialist at 11am. Get to St. Ratford with Liam in a pretty good mood. Stone up nose is starting to be funny again as I tell the receptionist and specialist. The specialist can see the stone, however, Liam being Liam, will NOT let anything else go up his nose to pull the stone out. "We are going to have to put him out", oh god, stone up nose not funny again.

12pm, make it to St. Ratford hospital. After a half hour of trying numerous viens for IV, screaming Liam gets a shoot in the A** to put him out. Childern that are conscously sedated are SCAREY. Specialist takes stone out of nose in 30 seconds, it takes Liam 2 hours to wake up. After waking, he throws up down my back. Stone up nose is not remotely funny.

5pm, we head home. Liam sleeps through the night as there is still some sedation left in him. However, every night following for a week Ethan and I get about 4 hours of sleep total due to Liams nightmares from the ordeal. Stone up nose was cursed many times.

Now, weeks later, it is a funny story and will be shared at Liams wedding. Oh, and the stone, I got to keep it. It will have it's own page in the scapbook.


Blogger Christielli said...

Yay closure to the anecdote!!

I love that you're going to put it in a scrapbook.

Well, now that everything is safely over, I can tell you that your whole ordeal reminds me of an episode of the Simpsons. Turns out Homer's so dumb because he stuck a (blue) crayon up his nose as a child and it got lodged in his brain.

Good thing you know the stone's out.

5:36 PM  
Blogger JO said...

Wow I'm glad you hear everything ended up okay, but that is alot of pain for one little stone!!!
I can't believe you keep the stone... your such a mom!

9:01 AM  

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