Life in Twindom

Thursday, June 21, 2007

6 Years

Tomorrow is Ethan and I's 6 year aniversary. I am not overly centimental but it has caused me to think back to what changes have occured in 6 years.
-we have moved twice (Bolton and Seaforth), 4 times if you count living with parents in between.
-we have taken in 2 new pets and lost one great pet friend
-biggest change is that we have had the boys
-Don't ask me about how much weight I have gained, I don't fit in my wedding dress anymore - thanks to the boys.
-Ethan and I have both had 3 different jobs.
-I finished University
-we have successfully (I think) lived thru a major reno on a house
-we went thru 10 vehicals (5 our own, 5 work)
-I think I have used all my wedding presents at least once
-I am still using tissue wrap and gift bags from the wedding for weddings I now go to.
Lots more, none that I can think of right now.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Blogger lost my post and I am to creativitally drained to write it all again. Here is the short version.

Liam is ok after getting his tubes in... he did puke on me after the surgery.

The house is not sold yet, summer is here and I am a little worried.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Tomorrow Liam goes in for tubes. We have to be at the hospital at 8, the surgery is not until 10. Should be an interesting day. He can not have anything to eat from midnight on, Cole will have to go to daycare and have breakfast while Liam does not see... Oh joy! Hopefully all goes well.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

For Sale

This has been a record week, month, year of cleaning for me. We have a 10x10 storage unit rented and it is jam packed. Ethan has driven to the dump with a truckload about 5 times. My closets are neat and organized, my kitchen degreased. The boys are trained to take out one toy at a time. The lawn is trimmed and the pool is crystal clear.

The house is now for sale.

The realitor came over the other night to do the paper work and take pictures. As soon as she walked into the door, she commented "You're house is spotless! How do you keep it so clean with your boys here." and just as she finished saying that, Cole goes to the fridge, pulls out a FULL jug of pink lemonaid and spills it over the kitchen floor, under the stove and in the fridge. House not so clean any more.

If I have to keep it this clean for more than two weeks max, I am going to have a breakdown!