Life in Twindom

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Good Ol' Huron County

So I know that I said that I was not going to post this week, but with all the stuff in the news about Steven Truscot, I find that I need to vent.

Huron County justice seems to follow a pattern. Look at the Truscot case, the people in charge of the law in Huron county take the easy way out and charge a 14 year old boy with 1st degree murder and try to hang him. Evidence is destroyed, witnesses are discounted just so the man that "they" thought did it will get convicted. Meanwhile, a known child molester, that quite possibly could have done it, goes free.

Lets look at another Huron county case. Steve Murray is charges with Misty's murder. No body, no real evidence. But "they" think that they have their man so they push the case through the courts just to waste our tax money. Families are ruined and friendships are wrecked. We don't know where Misty is but if the "they" can't get a case together, why did they have to take it to court?

Finally, we can go all the way back to the Donnellys. "They" had their own justice back then, "they" didn't even need the courts.

Huron county has alot of good things to offer, but the justice system is a little lacking, Don't get on "their" bad side!

Monday, January 29, 2007

This Friday

Well, this Friday I have to write a 7 hour exam. Actually, one 3 hour and one 4 hour. If I past the exam, I can qualify for my "Certified Crop Advisor" Accredidation. Letters behind my name!

I realize that to most of you, this is not a big deal, but in my industry it is. The tests are basically on everthing I learned in 4 years of university and from working since. Examples of a few questions are:

Which pathagens cause discolored mosaics on plants?
What causes the increase in possibility of genetic resistance developing in a pest?
Which root system concentrates nutrient uptake in the soil surface?
What is the chemical uptake form of phosphorous?
What is the most common form of potassium fertilizer?
What micronutrient is more available at pH 7 than pH5?

For those of you that went to Guelph, these are probably easy, but I thought that I would shed some light on what I do all day for my other friends.

So, I doubt that I will be posting for the rest of the week, as I must study and cram. Wish me luck and I will let you know how it went next week.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Medical Delemia .. Well not really...

Back in September 2006, I tried to get an appointment for a physical with my family doctor. I was told that they were booking into February. No big deal, I should have had it by November but whatever, I booked it for Feb 23. Well, I get a message on my answering machine on Monday "the doctor will not be in on Feb 23 and you will have to reschedual the appointment, unfortunantly, we are booking October 2007." CAN YOU SAY DOCTOR SHORTAGE!

Anywho, I go to get groceries at lunch today and guess who is in line ahead of me at the doctor. And, guess who has 3 bottles of sunscreen in her pile of groceries. GEE, I wonder where she is going? I did not broach the subject, but really how am I sopossed to react? Argggh!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

6 Wierd Things

As I was tagged by my bud Christielli, here are 6 wierd things about me to share with you:

1 - I am still as horse crazy as I was when I was a kid. I could spend hours out there if I had the time. My neice Beth is just as bad as I am.

2 - I like the rythmic sound the milkers make when we are in full swing in the barn. Often at 6 am it almost puts me to sleep.

3 - My favorite drink in Peach Schnapps and Coke with a slice of Lime. Thanks to Mel for that one.

4 - I have had an indepth conversation with a Hutterite.

5 - I buy men's shoes quite often. I find that if I have to work with them, I should look like them. Also, my feet are so big, sometimes I have no choice.

6 - I would have twins again if I could gaurentee that they would be twin girls.

As most of my blogging friends have been tagged, I guess the only one to tag is Vailgirl!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Poop on the wall

Well, it happened. We have had our first occurance of poop on the wall.

Cole took a tandrum when Ethan was trying to get him to sit on the potty yesterday. Cole ripped his diaper off and threw it at Ethan. Luckily for Cole, the diaper hit the wall and not his father! I was left to clean up the mess while Ethan was placing Cole in the corner.

In other news, I played broomball for the first time in two years on the weekend. I was in a tournament. In the first game I even scored a goal! I also scored one heck of a bruise on my upper left arm. I should really take a picture of it and post it. It is about four different colours and the size of a baseball. The funny thing is that I don't even remember when I got the bruise. Needless to say, after playing 3 games for the first time in 2 years, I HURT! Wow, I feel like I am 80, I hobble around and have next to no lung capacity. Yesterday, Ethan had no sympathy for me, made comments like "go jump on Mommy boys!" Jack a**!

Another blurp about Ethan. Why is it that men are never prepared? We got 1/2 an inch of freezing rain last night. I had to take his truck to work today. As he was leaving this morning, he told me that there was nasty out and that I should start the truck early. Well, I went out there 20 minutes early and started, noticed that there is pretty much no gas in the tank and get this, no ice scraper! So after I let the truck warm up, I had to chip the remaining ice off with a putty knife that I dug out of the garage. Then, I got the satisfaction of calling Ethan to *politly* ask him why the hell he left the truck without gas and no scraper.... well somehow, he turned it around to be my fault. How does he figure!?!

Friday, January 12, 2007

My Childern are Ringleaders

The twindom got into some trouble with magic markers yesterday at daycare. The problem is that they showed thier little friends how to draw beards "like daddy's" on their faces. Liam was pink, Cole was brown and blue. Another little girl had marker across her eylids and in and out of her mouth. I asked the daycare to put the markers on a higher shelf today!

The boys are still a little off, it takes upwards of an hour to get them to go so sleep at nap and night-time. Last night, I went into their room about a half an hour after we put them to bed, Cole had a tiny piece of white fuzz between his thumb and finger, holding it tight. I tried to take it away but he screamed - he told me it was from Wilson's tail. How do they come up with this stuff? Anyhow, I let him hold onto it, thinking if it helped him fall asleep what the harm? Well, have you ever searched for a tiny piece of fuzz at three in the morning so that your toddler will go back to sleep? Arghhhh!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Thank God that it is Jan 8th

I think that the twindom has regressed since being out of daycare for the last 2 weeks. Since they have only had each other to play with and have had crazy scheduals over the last 2 weeks, the boys drove Ethan and I crazey this weekend. Here is the run down on why I pulled my hair out over the last 48 hours:
-Liam threw two diapers in the toliet and flushed
-They ripped more wallpaper was off their bedroom wall when they were to be sleeping
-Cole actually started to peel a chunk of paint off the wall
-There is crayon skribbles on the coffee table
-Numerous tempertandrums and toys thrown all over
-Numerous hits or kicks directed at me or Ethan
-They both have strep throut and I think that I am getting it

I love my kids but am I ever glad they went back to daycare today!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Trip Down South

So, Ethan and I took a trip down south yesterday... Ridgetown that is.

We were attending the Annual Southwest Agricultural Confrence. To most of you, I bet it sounds pretty boring, but, hey, it's what we do. I did learn a few things about soys and hay, biogas and pot grow ops. Yes, you did just read pot grow ops. It was an interesting talk, mainly on how to protect yourself if some less disirable characters decide to grow some pot in your back 40.

Anyhow, I go to these events more to see old university friends than to learn something. It's kind of a one day catch up course on who has married who, how many kids everyone has, and who is working where.

On the twindom side, we almost had Cole on the back of a horse last night! Liam not so much. I guess that horses look like giants to someone that is 2 feet tall.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

2007 came in with a....

I want my blog to be a positive place, in hopes that some day I can print it off and look back on it with fond memories. So I am not going to write much about New Years eve except that we found out how some of our friends can become ignorant and rude when they get very drunk. It has made Ethan and I realize who our true friends are and that the others should just be acquaintances.

Anyways, yesterday was a rough day with the haze that was hanging around my head. At one point, as I was recouping on the couch, Liam came up to me a sighed, shrugged his shoulders and said "Mommy play?". Even when you are the most hung over you have been in recent memory, you still have to scoop them up and hug them... and then put Barney in the VCR so you can have a 20 minute nap!

More good news, after having a fun day at my ma and pa's on Friday with my entire family, my brother calls on Saturday and tells us that 4 out the 5 in their family have Strep Throat. Liam is now a little hoarse when he talks... the fun begins.