I am an Idiot, I freely admit it.
I was really stupid yesterday.
I had a request from a friend for some barn cats, he didn't care if they were a little wild. No problem I thought, I would catch them when I fed their milk. On Saturday night, Ethan and I caught two, put them in the carrier for the night. Sunday morning we attemped to catch a few more. Nubby (so called due to his broken tail, it happen when he was a kitten) was the one that I chose to catch. I didn't quite get a good grab on the scruff of his neck. He spun around, bit my middle finger and then the top of my hand. I think he got me in a vien, you know, the one they ussually put the IV in.
Washed out the wound, put some bandaids on and carried on with morning chores. I thought that I would call my nurse friend when in the afternoon my hand was really swelling. "Get a tetnus shot right now" was her words. Off to the hospital I go, nurse there says that since it was an animal bite that they would have to call the health unit due to rabies. Oh shit I think.
Doctor comes in to see me. Says that since I was the one that provocked the attack, the cat probably does not have rabies. I agree, I was the stupid one. He also says, if the cat shows up dead in the next 3 days, I have a problem - Nice. But he says, I need a tetnus shot, horse size antibiotic pills and need to keep my hand still or else it will swell more. Right, I say, two kids and a herd of cows to milk and I have to keep my right hand still. Doctor says fine, if you won't cooperate, he will split my hand. How embarassing. (Split came off when I got home).
So anyways, now my hand is swollen and numb. I am watching for red veins, the sign of a blood infection. A little hard to type but I made it through this post... might be a long day.